Conception and the birth story (no mucous plug mentions we promise)
When pregnant with her son Oscar, Emily realised that the bras now available to her ever growing nips were, let’s be frank, a letdown (pun totally intended).
She felt that the bras were either functional but ugly af or they were some bizarre sexy/cute lacy number that resembled something hanging from nanna’s clothesline. Somehow it seemed, once you became pregnant you were now relegated to the frump section of the underwear department.
Her sister Claire, who was still wearing her white, now turned grey, maternity bra despite not having breastfed for two years, was onboard and they set about creating underwear for mums that was uncompromising in every way.
And NipCo was born (drug free of course. Lol jks, there was lots of wine).
When not thinking about boobs, Emily is a Mum to Oscar and Teddy and is a paediatric nurse by day (and unfortunately by night), dreams of Italy more than she should, loves a matching tracksuit and has a giant stack of unread books beside her bed but still calls herself a reader (more like Instagram scroller).
Claire is mum to Stella, Gus and Will, is one of the last people on earth to still be drinking a full fat ‘regular’ milk latte, is a lawyer, and unashamedly loves nothing more than an episode of UK Love Island.
Together we are here to cancel the mum frump. Because we’re not regular mums. We’re cool mums.