5 Things A Lactation Consultant Wants You To Know Before Breastfeeding.

5 Things A Lactation Consultant Wants You To Know Before Breastfeeding.

1. It’s normal for babies to feed 8-12+ times in a 24 hour period for the first little while. That’s every 2 hours! You may even be told to wake your baby for feeds. Depending on circumstances.

2. It can feel like an overwhelming weight-the responsibility of feeding a child, which is why planning and having support is so important.

3. Learn how to hand express, (don't worry, it's an easily learnt skill)-this can be done prenatally from 36 weeks (check this is ok for you with your care provider), and you may even be able to express some colostrum.

4. Yes, breastfeeding is natural. But it is absolutely a learnt skill for both of you and takes practice, persistence and patience..ohh so much patience. Be proud of the small steps you achieve.

5. Trust your instincts, you’re biologically wired to know your baby best, when supported properly.

-Sarah Burchell, Gentle Beginnings Lactation. 
